Bible book reveals earth is round

He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. That is, it indicates something spherical, rounded, or archednot something that is flat or square. From space, the earth always appears as a circle since it is round. Jesus said, in that day, then in verse 34, in that night. While the bible does not teach that the earth is flat, neither does the bible explicitly teach that the earth. Instead, some have chosen to interpret verses incorrectly to make in their own mind the bible into a flat earth book. Please note that the book of isaiah was written many years before galileo. Flat earth quotes from enoch wouldnt alone be responsible for its exclusion.

Calling the bible a flatearth book has been a staple of bible critics for centuries. The flat earth implications of the bible were rediscovered and popularized by englishspeaking christians in the mid19th century. Job chapter 26 verse 7 says that the earth hangs upon nothing. Is it true that the bible is the first to say that the earth is round. The debate about whether this proves the bible taught the earth is round, seems to hinge on the hebrew word here used for circle. For example, the creation account in genesis 1 describes all the land as existing in one place in genesis 1. Ot book that reveals the earth is round bible trivia level 22 question and answer.

The bible doesnt say what they say it says, they just want to believe thats what the bible says. I have been told there is a reference in the bible probably old testament to the earth being round. These scriptures were penned centuries before a spherical earth was confirmed. Also, an accurate chronology of all past time containing a classification of all the eclipses from creation. When it comes to the book of enoch, i know many want to dispute whether or not we should consider it canon, or even a valid source for deriving, confirming andor elaborating on the canonized biblical truths. Earth is mentioned as distinct from seas and cannot refer to earth as a planet. Is it true that the books of isaiah and job, as far back as 2,700 bc, states that the. Below you will find ot book that reveals the earth is round answers and solutions. This is a very popular question from the bible quiz trivia game.

Ancient astronomers could determine that the earth was round by observing its circular shadow move. It was made by the one who sits on his throne above the earth and beyond the sky. This description is certainly fittingparticularly when the earth is viewed from space. Frans du plessis has laid out with luxury of detail the history of old cosmology, while simultaneously waiving scriptural evidence for a spherical earth as poor scholarship and worse logic. The bible said the earth was round, definite proof of jehova. What does the bible say about the flat earth theory. The concept of a firmament, mentioned in genesis 1. One such issue is the common assertion that the bible teaches a flat earth. Where in the bible does it say the world is round answers. Ot book that reveals the earth is round daily jumble.

Dont let your pride get in the way, mark twain put it best, its easier to fool people, than convince them that they have been fooled. The correct response to the stupid bible said earth was round argument is already in this thread. Jan, 20 no, the bible says the earth is a flat circle. Even binoculars reveal countless multitudes of stars that cannot be seen by the unaided eye. Some thought bob was actually arguing for the flat earth, and using biblical authority to prove it. Jesus is talking about his return to earth in these verses and he says, i tell you, in that night there will be two men in one bed. Flat earther reveals the real reason nasa is lying to us that the earth is round rob waugh monday 29 jan 2018 10. Dd the implication of a round earth is seen in the book of luke, where jesus described his return, luke 17. King james bible and it is turned round about by his counsels.

The biblea book from god watchtower online library. The bible shows that the sun, one of the stars that make up the heavens, was created before vegetation. Was the book of enoch removed from the bible because it. It is only illustrating what happened from joshuas point of reference. Ancient astronomers could determine that the earth was round by observing its circular shadow move across the moon during lunar eclipses.

Some people, for various reasons, take the circle of the earth in isaiah 40. On our website you will be able to find not only the answer for ot book that reveals the earth is round but also thousands of other game answers, cheats and. When the bible says the heavens are stretched out over. Heres why nasa is lying about the earth being round. Earths spherical shape was, of course, also understood by christopher columbus. In biblical times, the greeks had already worked out that the earth is spherical and even calculated its size to a surprising degree of accuracy. Filmmaker and flat earther rob skiba held a talk called testing the globe, where he revealed why nasa and the governments of the world are so keen to perpetuate the myth that the earth is round. The main part of the accepted bible has the exact same kinds of errors as enoch. The passage saying the earth is round is isaiah 40. Liberal scriptural scholars later derived the same view.

Some have argued from this that scripture teaches the earth to be a flat. According to the bible, the earth is immoveable 1 chronicles 16. Copernicus in his book on the revolutions, explains how the earth forms a single sphere with water grant, 22. The word is rarely used in the bible, and found in just 3 places, job 22. When were the books of psalms and isaiah originally written. Alexander gleason, creator of the gleason new standard map of the world, makes the case for a flat earth. It is he that sits upon the circle of the earth isaiah 40. The word it comes from, 02328, is used just once in job 26.

On our website you will be able to find not only the answer for ot book that reveals the earth is round but also thousands of other game answers, cheats and solutions. The bible is, from genesis to revelation, a flatearth book. Robert schadewald 19432000, former president of national center for science education 1. Feb 23, 2015 the bible reveals that the earth is round. On the other hand, the flat earth cosmology previously described is historically consistent and requires none of the special pleading apparently necessary to harmonize the bible with sphericity. Does the bible teach a spherical earth eternal productions. In the case of the earths shape, scripture never explicitly states the shape of our planet, but it does confirm a round earth implicitly in various places. Dec 15, 2007 this earth is round and the bible says its round. What does the bible say about the shape of the earth. Holman christian standard bible god is enthroned above the circle of the earth. B wants to crowdfund his own satellite and launch it into space to find out, once and for all, whether the earth is flat or round. The bible is not making a case that the earth is flat or the sun revolves around the earth. It gives us information that we cannot find anywhere else. Does the bible teach that the earth is round or flat.

Jan 02, 2020 earth is mentioned as distinct from seas and cannot refer to earth as a planet. It can really get difficult sometimes for that we below have listed ot book that reveals the earth is round so you can play it conveniently. Answer the bible does not say that the world is round or spherical. Mar 01, 2015 the bible is, from genesis to revelation, a flatearth book. Where does the bible confirm that the earth is round. While the pro side argues that the hebrews at the time didnt have a. You see, the real motivation behind this is that they want to. Old testament book that reveals the earth is round the. And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew. Some interpretations of the bible follow a method of scientific concordism, which attempts to reconcile alleged discrepancies between the bible and modern science. Mar 06, 2008 the bible indicates that the earth is round. He stretched out the sky like a curtain, like a tent in which to live. And thank you for the article which answered my own questions around the translation of the word khug.

The question matters because if the bible and science both describe a spherical earth, then those who depart from these sources of knowledge stray from reality. Some cited other verses which they claimed clearly say that the earth is spherical. The new world translation of the holy scriptures is published by jehovahs witnesses. Another passage that implies that the earth is a sphere is luke 17. You may be surprised to learn that the bible revealed that the earth is round. Just in case you thought the round earth was a minority opinion luminaries past and present who know the earth is round. Moderate christian apologists have done an astonishingly good job of sweeping under the rug the fact that the ot does indeed describe a flat, disc shaped earth. You should check all the solutions of bible quiz trivia and we also have answers of bible quiz trivia which you would love. The universe confirms the bible answers in genesis. I agree that proves nothing and as a christian i dont need to prove anything to you.

When it is whisked away, it reveals the one throned above see isaiah 40. As the ryrie study bible edition of the nasb notes on isaiah 40. That is, it indicates something spherical, rounded, or archednot something that is flat. If you dont want to believe or cannot there is nothing i can do to help you. It is certainly a very popular trivia app based on simple idea. The book of enoch the cosmology previously described is derived from the bible.

Flat earther reveals the real reason nasa is lying. The shape of the earth may already have been known in isaiahs time. Rather the false view is that which claims that it is flat, as the church used to believe and for that reason used to curse and burn those scientists who said that it was round. Please understand the bible was never intended to be a book of science. February 10, 2017 hilman rojak leave a comment on old testament that reveals the earth is round what lies beneath venus surface 12 surprising phrases from the what lies beneath venus surface does quake reveal when d. The word earth in the bible refers only to dry land, not our planet whose surface includes both land and water gen1. Arne herstad whose website this is knows the earth is round because the bible tells him so. In two parts does modern science and the bible agree. Isaiah now you can certainly spent your time with joy by playing bible quiz trivia because it a fantastic game. What each book of the bible teaches about creation. Hey friends, we are very proud to share with you this awesome ot book that reveals the earth is round answers. Exodus 19 new living translation nlt the lord reveals himself at sinai. The legendary flatearth bible christian research institute. Oh, and if you point out the long list of other biblical fallacies all of a sudden its an allegory or a metaphor, not literal.

Find out all the solutions of bible quiz trivia and we also covered answers and solutions of word idea answers which is also a fun game. Feb 20, 2018 if the earth were a flat circle it wouldnt appear to be round at some points, but oval or even a straight line. It can really get difficult sometimes for that we below have listed ot book that reveals the earth is roundso you can play it conveniently. You are in gods hands and i expect he will be kind to you. If reduced to the size of a billiard ball, it would be perfectly smooth, and we wouldnt even be able to feel the highest mountains or deepest oceans. If you are overlooking the ocean, the horizon appears as a circle. Christian standard bible they swirl about, turning round and round at his direction, accomplishing everything he commands them over the surface of the inhabited world. This one is certainly an interesting one and the concept is pretty much simple. Please find below all the answers for ot book that reveals the earth is round. Some will tell you that the bible is a flat earth book. Perhaps you have heard that the bible says that our earth hangs upon nothing and is round. What verse in the bible says the earth is round answers. This would mean that the ancient israelites of the eighth century bc knew that the earth was spherical and not flat.

In ancient near eastern conceptions, this circle would refer to the flat earth disk, not to a sphere. Scientific evidences to prove it the bible is the worlds alltime best selling book. Today, we chuckle at the people of the fifteenth century who feared sailing because they thought they would fall over the edge of the flat earth. Young earth creationism is the belief that the earth is only. Many commentaries have been written giving the various perceived pros can cons of doing so. This perspective shows up in arguments from both young earth creationists 1 and from those wanting to. Neither verse describes the earth as round in the sense of being. Will i dispute his claims of olden perspective, not at. The bible has been translated into about 2,600 languages, and billions of copies have been printed. Although the theory of earth being flat is not directly spoken about, some verses describe the potential shape. Fortunately, both sources offer clear descriptions of the real, round earth. There are a number of scriptures that indicate a spherical earth.

He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in. Thus it is known that the earth is round, and that is not contradicted by the fact that it is like an egg. Oct 21, 20 the bible revealed that the earth is round in job 26. The reason why the word round in isaiah is used is because there is no ancient hebrew word for sphere. It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like. Using careful measurements from the ground and observations from space we can be certain it is essentially a sphere, with only minor bulging near the equator. Does the bible ever describe the earth as being round. Not only does the bible say the earth is round at isaiah chapter 40 verse 22. Before science has proven that the earth is round, facts about the spherical earth and the concept of gravity was already mentioned in the bible. Mar 04, 2010 the bible indicates that the earth is round.

Thus, students with remarkably disparate points of view independently concluded that the ancient hebrews had a flat earth cosmology, often deriving this view. The bible revealed that the earth is round in job 26. Considering the scripture is literally god breathed and the writers were. The bible says the earth is round, showing that its authors were inspired to understand science beyond their time. The word translated circle here is the hebrew word chuwg, which is also translated circuit or compass depending on the context. Ot book that reveals the earth is round answers king. He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like. The mainstream bible says a bunch of things that we know are not true. Although the bible has enjoyed such vast distribution and attention, it is read relatively little. While the bible does not teach that the earth is flat, neither does the bible explicitly teach that the earth is spherical.

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